Language Arts

I am very excited to implement the Daily 5 and CAFE this year! The best way for students to improve their reading is to practice, practice, practice. The Daily 5 and CAFE, combined with our new reading program, will give students the practice they need while allowing them the choice that they crave.

The Daily 5 is the way that out reading workshop will be structured. Students will participate in three rounds of the Daily 5 each day. Each round begins with a short CAFE lesson (see below) from StoryTown, followed by a 20 minute period where students choose one of the daily 5 activities to complete. Students will choose between read to self, read to someone, listen to reading, work on writing, and word work. While students are working independently, I will be meeting with individuals and small groups.

Here is a picture of our Daily 5 Choice board.

CAFE stands for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expand Vocabulary. Each time that a reading strategy is introduced, it will be added to our CAFE "menu." Students will be able to refer to the menu to help them apply the reading strategies that they have learned. Students will also have regular conferences with me to work on CAFE skills and to set personal goals for their reading.

Here is a picture of our CAFE board.

In addition to the work on writing component of the Daily 5, students will also engage in a Writer's Workshop each day. This workshop will begin with a whole group mini-lesson where a skill or strategy will be taught. Students will then work in their writer's notebooks for 20-30 minutes. During this time, I will conference with individuals and small groups about their writing. The workshop will end with a group sharing time.